How to Make a Hollow Spining Text Effect in Illustrator
Illustrator Text Effects
Sometimes, when you need to create captivating text effects, your may instinctively turn to Photoshop as the go-to tool. However, an equally powerful and versatile option as Illustrator maybe what you need. With Illustrator's incredible capabilities you can craft incredibly text effects, including a Hollow Spinning Text. The best part is that you have the added advantage of working in a vector format, offering scalability and flexibility for your designs. So today, I will show you how easily you can make a hollow spining text effect in Illustrator in less than 5 minutes and with the ability to later change the text, font, size and color even after the effect is finished.
Step 1
Open Illustrator and make a new file at any size you want. In this case I will make mine at 1200 x 1200 px.

Step 2
Select the Rectangle Tool (M) and make a rectangle covering your whole artboard with any color you want. In this case I will be using black.

Step 3
Select the Type Tool (T) and type your text. Here i will simply write "love" using the Boldfinger font at 500 pt.

Step 4
In the Toolbar, set the text fill to "none" and the stroke to white.

Step 5
Go to Edit > Copy and then to Edit > Paste in Back.

Step 6
Set the copied text to about 40 pt and placeit in the middle of your original text as shown.

Step 7
Set the stroke color of the copied text to the same background color you are using, which in this case is black.

Step 8
Select the original text, go to Window > Stroke and set the stroke Weight to 8 pt.

Step 9
Select the original and copied text and go to Object > Blend > Make.

Step 10
Go to Object > Blend > Blend Options, apply the following settings and click OK.

Step 11
Lastly, select the copied text and go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform. Set the Angle to 30º and click OK.

Some Final Words:
Now that you know how to easily make a hollow spining text effect in Illustrator, you can edit the text, font, size and color as you normally do in Illustrator without having to make the whole process again.