New WeGraphics, official launch with premium accounts giveaway

Photoshop For Beginners: 6 techniques to extract anything from its background

Tutorialsby Sebastiano Guerriero

​This is the second of a series of tutorials thought for Photoshop beginners. I'll explain in depth those features that can result difficult to understand for a newbie. Today I'll show you 6 techniques you can use to extract a person/object from its background. From now on extraction won't have secr...

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20+ Stunning Examples of 3D Rendered Characters

Inspirationby Team WeGraphics

I'm really fascinated by 3d digital world. In particular I love those works that combine sci-fi landscapes with 3d rendered characters. While I spend hours searching for the perfect photo, with the dude in the position I need, there are artists who create by themselves the main character of their w...

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Design inspiration: Baroque in Modern Graphic Design

Inspirationby Team WeGraphics

In modern graphic design inspiration often derives from artistic movements from the past. Combination between past and present design can give amazing results. Baroque, in particular, with its eccentric decorations, perfectly marry the style of some designers who love to ornate their works with swir...

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10 Text Effects Tutorials that combine Cinema4D with Photoshop

Articlesby Team WeGraphics

3D software allow you to bring text to a new dimension. There are no limits to create astonishing type treatments. Cinema4D is an incredible software used by lots of professional designers to create 3d objects and to animate them. It's perfect if you want to create complex text effects with three di...

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30 Inspirational Portrait Images by Best Graphic Designers

Inspirationby Team WeGraphics

Portrait image is a frequently explored graphic design subject. Every face is a universe of emotions that often inspire artists to turn them into a personal piece. Sometimes designers work on existing images of someone/something, in other cases they create a face from nothing (painting or using a 3d...

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How to Turn Inspiration from Others into Personal Original Works

Articlesby Team WeGraphics

This is not an article on how to find inspiration. Everyone has his own sources when there's a lack of ideas. This is an article on how to turn inspiration that derives from others' digital projects into a new original piece. When you come accross talented designers works, do you spend days trying t...

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30 Examples of How to Bring Typography to the Next Level

Inspirationby Team WeGraphics

Typography is an important and complex graphic design field. There are designers who make of type embellishment the main key of their works. In my opinion the ability to properly use typography is what make the difference between a good and a great designer. Today I selected for you 30 inspirational...

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20 inspirational sites for graphic designers

Inspirationby Team WeGraphics

Inspiration is what allows designers to create unique pieces. It derives from everything: music, films, photos, t-shirts, people... But there are days that you are on computer observing your empty canvas without any idea to start from. In these cases surfing sites that publish fresh inspirational co...

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Graphic designers shall have a unique style

Articlesby Team WeGraphics

Graphic designers community is growing up rapidly. Thanks to web support everyday thousands of people are able to improve their skills and techniques. It is a everybody dream to turn this knowledge into a full time job. The question is: how to emerge to be apart from the crowd? What I like of...

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Avatar inspiration

Inspirationby Team WeGraphics

Avatar is an incredible film which success can't be discussed. For me that every day try to turn concepts into beautiful images, Pandora's world represents the apotheosis of what a team of designers can realize. Surfing artistic communities I've noticed that Avatar has inspired lots of designers and...

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Tweet to download 100 MB of free design resources

Newsby Team WeGraphics

Today I'm glad to announce the first contest here at WeGraphics. And the nice thing is that everybody is the winner! The prize is a pack of unique resources: 2 texture sets, 1 illustration, 1 psd file, 1 brush set. I was searching for a way to promote the what's better then 100 MB of free ...

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30 inspirational retro music cd covers

Inspirationby Team WeGraphics

In these days I was searching for retro style images for inspiration. After have surfed the web for a while I came across a Metallica Rock group cd cover. It was amazing! So I focused my research on old music cd covers and today I want to share with you my favorite 30 ones. A Filleta - Machja...

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