The New WeGraphics
Oh So Improved
WeGraphics has been ready for a reboot for a long time. It's finally here. So to our loyal WeGraphics members, and to all the new faces — hello and welcome! We're excited to show off this (long-overdue) complete overhaul of the site.
What's the Big Idea?
We're a Co-op Community now.

The new WeGraphics is more than just a great graphic design resource marketplace. The design world is a community, and now so are we. The WeGraphics Cooperative Community is place where designers can come together to help build the design community up and move the state of design forward. We're making it possible for designers to both contribute and gain from our group: If you contribute a design that gets approved, you get access to everything on our site totally free, with the same permissions as a paid member.
We ourselves are a group of designers with decades of web and graphic design experience. Design is our passion, and we continually create and upload new resources and tools that benefit all of our co-op members — free, paid, and contributing.
What Else is New?
So many design updates and UI improvements, it would be tough to lay them all out. Suffice it to say, we've completely redesigned and rethought the entire site. We've got a shiny new logo that speaks to our bigger ideas of sharing and open source community. The load time is faster, the browsing and search experience are better, with a more modern design, and there's a ton of ground level changes that will help us grow and get better in the future. Basically just... better. In every way.

What's Staying the Same?
If you were already a member, your membership will stay the same (except like, way better now). No need to do anything!
Our resources that we've had previously will still be available for download, unlimited and at any time.

Plus, bonus, our sister site, Medialoot, will also be available to you: you'll be able to use your same account (with your email as your username) to login to both sites.
Want to Become a Contributor?
As a community, we value high quality designers who want to share their resources with the group. If you're accepted, you'll get free access to all other co-op resources too. You can apply here.
I Have Questions!
Check out our FAQ, or head over to our Join page to see what everything's about. You can also contact us any time — we'd love to hear what you think (even if it's suggestions for improvements).
Last Thing.
We just want to send over one million thanks to all our loyal members who have stuck with us through the years. You guys are the reason we're here and working in the design community. Here's to many more years of beautiful design!