Now Hiring: Artists and Contributors
If you're a creative individual with a passion for creating reusable textures, PS brushes, icons and vectors then WeGraphics needs you and your talent to add to our growing list of high-end resources. We have several positions available for regular contribution, and would love to consider your work.

Artists and Writers Wanted
We're also looking for tutorial writers to contribute to the blog on a regular basis. WeGraphics is a growing center for design resources, and a great place to work and collaborate. Sound like fun? Here's how to get started:How to Apply
If you want to contribute resources or write tutorials for WeGraphics, send a message with the information below to: design [at] 1. Link to your portfolio 2. Do you want to design, write tutorials, or both? 3. What's your specialty? E.g. Icons, textures, web... 4. Are you currently a WeGraphics member? 5. What's your availability? E.g. A few hours per week, almost full-time, etc... We'll read all of these emails over the next few weeks, but not everyone will get a response back. If you don't hear from us within a month, we probably don't need you just yet -- but we will keep every application to look at in the future. Good luck and thank you!