Star Trail Photoshop Action

Graphics > Styles & Effectsby Diego Sanchez

Star Trail Photoshop Action

With the Star Trail Photoshop Action, you no longer have to wait hours and hours to make your star trail photos. With a single click of the mouse and in just a few minutes you can turn your night stars photo into a dinamic star trail one. No too advanced Photoshop knowledge is required, and all you have to do is open your image, select the action and click on the play button. When prompted, you just need to mask the star trail unwanted areas from your picture.

The action works with any image size and resolution, and once the action finish, you can simply change the 2 different types of trails opacity to your liking and achieve a perfect finish. 

How to install

  1. Open Photoshop.
  2. In the Actions Panel click on the top right icon and from the dropdown menu select "Load Actions".
  3. Locate the "Medialoot Star Trail.atn" file and click on Load.

How to use

  1. Open your image. Be sure that is set as the background (if not, go to Layer > New > Background from Layer).
  2. In the Actions Panel expand the "Medialoot Star Trail" action container.
  3. Select the Star Trail action and click on the play button.
  4. When prompted, brush over the unwanted mask areas using a soft black brush.

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