Graphic designers shall have a unique style
Graphic designers community is growing up rapidly. Thanks to web support everyday thousands of people are able to improve their skills and techniques. It is a everybody dream to turn this knowledge into a full time job. The question is: how to emerge to be apart from the crowd?
What I like of this field is that to become a professional graphic designer it's not necessary to have a special school title. With that said I don't mean that graphic schools would be vain to attempt. I'm simply saying that if you have qualities you will work, if you have talent you will be noted and certainly you will be required to work on projects without you will be questioned about your studies background. For this reason a larger number of people, especially young, have the ambition to work in this sector, giving hard push to the market competition. In a competitive market who stands up is only who offers something unique.
[caption id="attachment_1195" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="The Great Vagina Empire colpisce ancora"]
[caption id="attachment_1196" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="The RunNer"]
[caption id="attachment_1197" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Vintage976"]
[caption id="attachment_1199" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Feet"]
[caption id="attachment_1200" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Hennig Olsen Frozen products catalogue"]
[caption id="attachment_1201" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Pray"]
[caption id="attachment_1203" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Lure"]
[caption id="attachment_1204" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Requiem"]
[caption id="attachment_1205" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Zen"]
[caption id="attachment_1207" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Reckless Love cd single"]
[caption id="attachment_1208" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="Retro Cosmic"]
[caption id="attachment_1209" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Tron Legacy Poster"]
At this point I'd like to hear your point of view in the comments.
The importance of style
Our work style is what enables us to be different from others.What is style in graphic design? It's what allows your work to be recognizable among one thousands of works.The style concept is connected to identity. A unique style testimonies a strong identity thereby a winning brand. When a client decides to hire a graphic designer, it already has an idea of the final result, because it choose to marry the graphic designer's style to the product.
How to create your own style
It's a natural process. You can not impose to yourself the frequently use of swirls and flowers in your works. You shall like them! If you are a young graphic designer looking for your identity, I will suggest to start observing the well known graphic designers' works. To create inspiring to others doesn't mean to copy, instead it could be the mean to explore the graphics world. It is up to you to experiment and work until you will find the style you think best represents you. Here following are some great graphics with a unique style:Alberto Seveso
Visit Alberto Seveso's portfolio Alberto Seveso is a freelance Italian graphic designer whose style is well known to all graphics lovers. It loves to decorate the human subjects of his works with abstract shapes that sometimes replace the skin, transforming the subjects into vivid and unreal entities. [caption id="attachment_1193" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Jorge Lorenzo"]

Adhemas Batista
Visit Adhemas Batista's portfolioAdhemas Batista is a self-taught Brazilian digital artist. His works are a triumph of colors. Each image is a fantasy world full of abstract elements that surround real subjects. [caption id="attachment_1198" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Desktop artwork for Windows 7"]

Pete Harrison
visit Pete Harrison's portfolioPete Harrison is a fantastic designer who loves to play with light effects. His works are characterized by strong contrasts and he uses lights to create vivid images. [caption id="attachment_1202" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="Electric Silence"]

James White
visit James White's portfolioJames White is a well known graphic designer who worked for important brands such us Toyota, Red Bulletin and VH1. His retro-cosmic style make him an artist with a very strong professional identity. [caption id="attachment_1206" align="alignnone" width="516" caption="100 Hours of Astronomy"]