Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #6

Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #6

Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selection, but we are sure that it can help you to find cool stuff that covers a wide variety of topics. Enjoy it! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @WeGraphics to stay up to date with unique and useful links.

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Below a collection of awesome articles and resources that we have found in the last week. We suggest you to bookmark and read them. Take your time, get inspired!

How To Create a Gothic Blackletter Typographic Design

  1. written by Chris Spooner
  2. topics: photoshop, illustrator, tutorial
best of the week Blackletter or gothic script fonts are hugely popular in a range of modern cultures. Metal bands, tattoo artwork and extreme sports brands all make use of the awesome blackletter style. Often the sharp letter shapes are enhanced with elaborate swirls and decorations. Follow this step by step guide to customizing your own gothic typographic design, we'll be modifying the original vector letters in Illustrator before moving over to Photoshop to add a cool distressed and metal effect finish to the artwork. Read the article

Create a folded paper text effect

  1. written by Marius
  2. topics: illustrator, tutorial
best of the week Hi there. In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple folded paper text effect. Also, to improve the look of the final result, I will show you how to create some ink blobs and stains from some simple ellipses and brushes. Read the article

Mastering Photoshop History and Layer Comps

  1. written by Joshua Johnson
  2. topics: photoshop, learning
best of the week Today we'll take an in-depth look at the Photoshop history palette and how it can help you diversify your designs and keep track of various ideas. We'll also learn how to use the History Brush and those incredibly handy but difficult to figure out Layer Comps. Read the article

Google Powered Site Search with jQuery

  1. written by Martin Angelov
  2. topics: html, css, jquery
best of the week By far one of the most requested features by Tutorialzine's readers, is building a site-wide search. One way to do it, is to build it yourself from the ground up. That is, to use a server-side language like PHP and run search queries on your database, displaying the results to the user. Read the article

Strategic Content Management

  1. written by Jonathan Kahn
  2. topics: content management, strategy
best of the week Trying to fix an organization?s content problems by installing a content management system (CMS) is like trying to save a marriage by booking a holiday. We know that a successful web project needs a content strategy?but when it comes to the CMS, we stop thinking strategically. Despite all the talk about user-centered design, we rarely consider the user experience of the editorial team?the people who implement the content strategy. We don?t design a CMS, we install it. Read the article

Design Process: Creating the Cover Art for Parachute Journalists

  1. written by Jeff Finley
  2. topics: design process
best of the week In this tutorial the well-known illustrator Jeff Finley will show you the process of making the cover of his band new single ?24th of January?. He will deal in particular with the use of textures and vectors to achieve a beautiful end outcome. Read the article

10 Ecommerce Design Tips for Increasing Conversions

  1. written by Jimmy Rodriguez
  2. topics: ecommerce, web design
best of the week Sometimes, web stores get too artsy with their designs. Some use flash animations that can slow down the shopper?s browser, while others use color schemes that send the wrong signals to shoppers. Read the article

Perspective in Icon Design ? Part 2: Know-hows

  1. written by Vu Tran
  2. topics: icon
best of the week How many perspectives are icons really based on? What are the strong and weak points in taking each perspective into icon design? In this article, you will take a close look at these issues. Read the article

Using the Web to Brand a Character

  1. written by Rosston Meyer
  2. topics: brand
best of the week In this article, we'll be looking at ways that designer toys and their related characters are being promoted using the internet, social media, and content-sharing tools. Read the article

Super Detailed Illustrations by Daniel James Diggle

  1. written by Fabio Sasso
  2. topics: illustration, inspiration
  3. Abduzeedo
best of the week Daniel James Diggle is a multidisciplinary designer and illustrator based in London, United Kingdom. His style is characterized by an incredible amount of details sketched on paper and then imported in Photoshop. Here is a showcase of some of his works. Read the article

BONUS DOWNLOAD: iPhone Wallpaper "Walking in countryside"

  1. photo by piervix
  2. topics: wallpaper, iphone
  3. WeGraphics
best of the week Just a bonus download for you! An exclusive iPhone wallpaper (320x480px). Download now

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