Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #21
Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selection, but we are sure that it can help you to find cool stuff that covers a wide variety of topics.
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Below a collection of awesome articles and resources that we have found in the last week. We suggest you to bookmark and read them. Take your time, get inspired!
These 12 graphic design paradoxes were designed and written by Tobias Bergdahl and it's great advice for young graphic designers out there. Each piece has it's own paradox followed by an important message. Check it out!
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This tutorial is on how to create an analog stopwatch in Adobe Illustrator. The stopwatch is housed in a plated metal case with a glass cover, and that means we have to use metal gradients and simulate window reflection on glass. Let?s get down to business!
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In case you didn?t know, whipping up mix covers is a great way to exercise some of your creative muscles!
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The best part about design is that anyone who can create a good design can go on to create great designs with a bit of practice. Here?s what goes into great design and what you can do to improve your own designs.
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The goal of any new e-commerce website appears to be to challenge (and be better than) The well informed among us would say this is an impossible task and anyone suggesting different is overly ambitious or crazy. Yet with all this ambition, the websites of many online businesses simply don?t make the effort to create a site that could even challenge the Internet behemoth that is Amazon ? let alone topple it.
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Raphael JS is a powerful library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. Today I will teach you how to create an interactive map from scratch.
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The float property is a valuable and powerful asset to any web designer/developer working with HTML and CSS.
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12 Paradoxes of Graphic Design
- written by Paulo Canabarro
- topics: Graphic design

Draw an Analog Stopwatch with Illustrator
- written by Jasmina Stanojevic
- topics: Illustrator tutorials

Mix Cover Tutorial: Outer Limits Pioneer
- written by Chris Comella
- topics: Photoshop tutorials

Mediocrity vs. Excellence: What Separates Good From Great?
- written by Cameron Chapman
- topics: Design

Anatomy of an Effective Product Page Design
- written by Kean Richmond
- topics: UI

Building an interactive map with Raphael
- written by Marcin Dziewulski
- topics: javascript, map, ui

CSS Floats 101
- written by Noah Stokes
- topics: CSS, web design