Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #12 + Bonus Wallpaper
Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selection, but we are sure that it can help you to find cool stuff that covers a wide variety of topics. Also this week we've an awesome Halloween themed wallpaper. Enjoy it!
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This article is a semi sort of comic realized by Frank Chimero on how creativity allow us to give birth to ideas.
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I?m going to show you some photo manipulation techniques for creating a movie inspired scene using Photoshop. We will create an exploding airplane and then we will merge our flying superhero, who I call ?Super-Kid?, seamlessly into the scene.
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Skateboard Jam is an artwork that Johnson Koh created for his personal portfolio. He discovered an easy yet interesting way to make beautiful abstract waves and hope to share with you in this tutorial. You will touch on using common tools like Warp and various brush effects.
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In part two of this two-part tutorial, we will be creating the jQuery and CSS front end of our AJAX Web Chat. In the first part, we discussed the PHP & MySQL side.
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When I sit down to get started on a new logo project, I will usually do the first digital renderings of a concept in plain old greyscale. In this article, I would like to touch on a few of the reasons why I do this, and explain why it tends to help me in the overall design process.
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When one hears the word ?geek?, images are conjured of pocket protectors and nightstands made out of old comic books. That old notion of geek-dom has since evolved into a new, tech-savy, and dare we say ?cool? geek?.
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Halloween themed Wallpaper
To celebrate Halloween, here at WeGraphics we've decided to create and distribute a cool wallpaper. It was designed by Sebastiano Guerriero, and it's a dark photo-manipulation that represents the fight between a man and the death, both merged in an obscure and magical forest. Click to enlarge
Below a collection of awesome articles and resources that we have found in the last week. We suggest you to bookmark and read them. Take your time, get inspired!How to Have an Idea
- written by Frank Chimero
- topics: Articles

Create a Superhero Movie Inspired Photo Manipulation
- written by Sebastiano Guerriero
- topics: Photoshop

Creating Cool Abstract Waves in Skateboard Jam
- written by Johnson Koh
- topics: Photoshop

Making an AJAX Web Chat (Part 2) ? CSS and jQuery
- written by Martin Angelov
- topics: Web design

Why I Use Greyscale When Designing Logos
- written by Matt Ward
- topics: Logo design

The Evolution of the Geek
- written by Dan Martell
- topics: comic