Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #12 + Bonus Wallpaper

Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #11

Articlesby WeGraphics Team

Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selectio...

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Say hello to Diego, the new member of WeGraphics team

Newsby Team WeGraphics

For the last 4 months and a half, WeGraphics was managed by the 2 founders: Piervincenzo and me, and with the collaboration of talented worldwide designers. Today we're glad to introduce you a new member of our team: Diego Caiazza. We were searching for a passionate and talented UI designer, and we ...

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Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #10

Articlesby WeGraphics Team

Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selectio...

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The best design resources of the month, September 2010 on WeGraphics

Newsby WeGraphics Team

Our mission is simple and clear: we want just to serve your creativity! Over the last 4 weeks we?ve released top-quality brushes, vectors, textures, patterns and templates and updated our blog with great tutorials, inspiration articles and advices to learn how to use our resources. WeGraphics is...

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Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #9

Articlesby WeGraphics Team

Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selectio...

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Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #8

Articlesby WeGraphics Team

Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selectio...

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Converting a clean magazine-style PSD template to HTML/CSS

Tutorialsby Piervincenzo Madeo

Previous week on WeGraphics we went through the process of designing a clean layout in magazine-style with Photoshop. Now it's time to convert the visual mockup in a working web page using HTML and CSS. This tutorial will be an overview, with some tips and advices, on how to convert a psd to HTML;...

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Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #7

Articlesby WeGraphics Team

Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selectio...

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Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #6

Articlesby WeGraphics Team

Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selectio...

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Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #5

Articlesby Piervincenzo Madeo

Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selectio...

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A step to be ahead: start designing for mobile devices

Articlesby Piervincenzo Madeo

Our world is evolving. New technologies and new researches are giving us more opportunities to develope internet-based applications for several, and different, devices. In particular, taking a look to the new telecommunication frontiers, it seems to be clear that the challenge is to provide a lot of...

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Bookmarked! Best readings of the week #4

Articlesby Piervincenzo Madeo

Every week the design community releases a lot of interesting articles, tutorials and showcases that can charge your creativity in different ways. With this series we want to share high-quality contents from the community to provide interesting information for our readers. It's just a small selectio...

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