10 Awesome Hand Letterers that You Need to Follow

10 Awesome Hand Letterers that You Need to Follow

In recent years it seems that hand crafted design work that is actually crafted BY HAND is becoming more and more of a trend. After such a long period of designers relying on computers as the go to tool for designing, it's a breath of fresh air to see more of a human touch in illustration and especially lettering. Hand lettering and calligraphy is a craft that takes skill and practice to master. The following artists do some incredible work. If you're interested in lettering or just have a love for great typography, I recommend giving these folks a follow.

Christopher Craig

Christopher is a lettering artist residing in Akron, Ohio. His background is in engineering, which helps gives to give his artwork a clean & functional style. Check out his work here, and follow him on Instagram and Twitter. hand lettering artists to follow hand lettering artists to follow

Neil Tasker

Neil is a letterer, calligrapher and illustrator living outside of Detroit, Michigan. He has worked with clients such as St. Martins press, Men’s Journal, Zendesk, General motors, Milwaukee magazine, dbusiness magazine, hour detroit and more. Check out Neil's work here and follow him on Instagram and Dribbble. hand lettering artists to follow hand lettering artists to follow

Joshua Phillips

Is an incredible letterer who incorporates photos and great textures into his artwork. His lettering pieces contain depth and a personality all their own. You can see more of his work here, and follow him on Twitter and Instagram. hand lettering artists to follow hand lettering artists to follow

Neil Secretario

Neil is a designer living and working in Orange County, California. He's extremely passionate about design and all things typography. This passion shows through in his work. You can see more of Neil's lettering here, and you can follow him on Dribbble and Instagram. hand lettering artists to follow hand lettering artists to follow

Drew Metlon

Drew is the founder of YourJustLucky.com and is an incredible lettering artist. Drew has put in the work, continues to put in the work and is constantly humbled by the process. You can follow him on Instagram and Dribbble. hand lettering artists to follow hand lettering artists to follow

Mateusz Witczak

Mateusz is a 23-year-old self taught graphic artist living in Warsaw, Poland. His work is simply stunning. The amount of detail in his lettering pieces is incredible. You can see more of his work here, or follow him on Behance. hand lettering artists to follow hand lettering artists to follow

Noel Shiveley

Noel is a designer from Pasadena, CA. His lettering pieces are warm and captivating. He incorporates images and textures to draw you in and hold your attention. You can follow him on Behance and Instagram. hand lettering artists to follow hand lettering artists to follow

Melvin Leidelmeijer

Melvin is a graphic designer & hand letterer from the Netherlands. His work is amazingly expressive. His style is loose but clean, and a ton of fun to view. Check out his work here, and follow him on Instagram. hand lettering artists to follow hand lettering artists to follow

Nathan Yoder

Nathan is an illustrator and designer from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Currently located in Portland, Oregon, he specializes in pen and ink illustration, as well as, hand lettering and branding. Take a peek at what he does here, and follow him on Instagram. hand lettering artists to follow hand lettering artists to follow

Joan Quirós

Joan is a calligrapher and letterist from London. His work is amazingly expressive an d vibrant. There's a ton of great calligraphy sample in his portfolio, as well as, some awesome videos. Follow Joan on Behance, Instagram and Dribbble. hand lettering artists to follow hand lettering artists to follow

What hand lettering artists do you follow? Comment below!

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